Mila Beans


This recipe is fairly new, created 2019. Since then it’s been a hit within her family. Rich flavors of Rancho Gordo Heirloom beans, home-made broth, *mirepoix as your base, and whole garlic bulb. As a lover of mushrooms this is a perfect meal for her to express that love. “Something about mushrooms, especially shiitake! my mother would say they are the highest protein of all mushrooms! Aside from that, I just love them!”

The recipe below was adjusted for our *flexitarian niece, Raquel. Adjustments using EVOO instead of bacon fat and using Vegetable Broth.

*Flexitarian flexible and vegetarian, signifying its followers' less strict diet pattern when compared to other vegetarian pattern diets.

*Mirepoix (pronunciation: meer-PWAH) is the aromatic flavor base made by lightly cooking onions, celery, and carrots. The vegetables are cooked slowly in butter or oil in order to coax out the flavors without browning or caramelizing them.


  • 1 lb of dry canary beans soaked

  • 1/2 a yellow onion

  • 2 stalks of celery

  • 2 carrots

  • 1 head of garlic

  • 1/2 lb of mushrooms

  • Broth to cover 2 inches above beans at all times.

  • Salt and pepper


  • Rinse beans and Soak overnight

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

  • Sauté diced onions until translucent, about 5 minutes

  • Add diced carrots; 5 minutes

  • Then diced celery followed by coarsely chopped mushrooms

  • Season with salt and pepper. (go light on the salt, at the end you can always add more for taste)

  • Saute for another 5 minutes then add the beans, vegetable broth (2 inches above beans), garlic bulb

  • On high heat, cook beans to a boil, then simmer for 1-2 hours. Until desired tenderness on the beans

  • Add more broth

  • Occasionally skim the foam that sometimes forms on top




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